25 September 2012

Song of the frozen fall

pic taken by Me

"To the death!!!" He cried tumbling into the far notions of the horizon. "Knowledge" he thought...and the synchrony of the mesmerizing image of eternity through the visionary turnabout of death itself make him stop. Suddenly, the picture was there: a man flying, on his involuntary travel through life and death, crumpling the lavishness of timeless mortality; the wind started to blow with that frozen body; despite the doldrums of that few last moments of life, time kept waiting inside that selfish imaginary moment where you decide or to realize your own climax of freedom or to keep waiting; a struggle to build a life on the memories of something as unyielding as the fact of the inevitable Fall! Everything will fall you know?

Hello hello! Sorry not to post the news from PORTOJOIA yesterday. These past 2 days were kinda of hard...I promise tomorrow I'll be posting everything! The editing of the pictures is taking me a lot of time! Well, if you are wondering why was these days difficult! I had to go to the Hospital as a patient, not as a doctor! Some exams to do...nothing bad guys, so don't worry. Still hospital always takes a lot of time and a lot of energy! Keep in touch! :P

- Português - 

Desculpem a demora a postar as coisinhas do PORTOJOIA...estes últimos dois dias foram para esquecer! Prometo que amanhã estará tudo aqui! Só digo que editar fotografias de desfiles de joalharia é uma missão muito complicada!
Ora, meus queridos, se se estiverem a perguntar o porquê destes últimos dois dias terem sido difíceis aqui vai um pequeno resumo! Tive de ir ao hospital, mas como doentinho e não como médico! Nada de grave...mas como sempre...ir ao hospital leva tempo e gasta energias! Agora já está tudo organizado...e o tempo já vai chegar! YEY! Keep in touch!

Kisses Kisses 


  1. Nice blog!! would you mind following each other via bloglovin? :)

    / Malin @ http://fashionfied.tk
