11 September 2012


In between, suddenly, a mirror get's across...a shape of nonsenses and orgasmic chills builds the illusion that you're enough. And what is enough? What is the true meaning of being completely full? Perhaps, my quite sharpen personality can indeed build up an image of perfection about almost everything. In fact, since everything is going to end, what more perfect will you get then the existence herself? Impermanence, the utmost certain thing ever being found, as death itself. What about impermanence? Everything most die, and what about dying? Acceptance, it might be that lonely key...At this moment I can ear my breath...air goes in and out...and I run across an empty field...White? Black? No colours, just a mirror, reflecting an infinite world of emptiness...and then I start adding some roots, some thoughts...about living and dying...about ending and freedom...about compassion and beginning...What is death then your utmost riddance? What is life then your utmost challenge? Let us learn together!  

Hello Hello guys! Sorry for this week of absentee...My work starts next Monday, so I'm kinda enjoy my last days of spare time! Despite some unpredicted misfortunes, everything is going great! It will work perfect in the end! :D Let me just share a tricky thing: I'm starting my last year of medical school next week! AHHHH!!! I don't really know what to think!
Well, what do you think about this look? I do love it...hope you like it to! :D Can't wait for your reactions!

- Português - 

Então pessoal? Desculpem-me esta semana mais ausente. Tendo em conta que as minhas residências já começam para a semana, tendo andado a aproveitar os meus últimos tempinhos mais livres. Apesar de alguns infortúnios, estes dias têm sido bem bons...passear com amigos...banhos de sol e de mar (falta-me só o meu outro lado :( )...Agora, um pormenor curioso: segunda começa o meu último ano de universidade!!! AHHHH...nem sei o que pensar!
Bem, quanto a este look, que vos parece? A mim agrada-me imenso! Espero que gostem...mal posso esperar pelas vossas reacções!   

Kiss Kiss

Pics taken by André

black jeans / ZARA
black mesh sweater / ZARA
yellow trench coat / ZARA
boots / ZARA
bag / BLANCO


  1. As fotos estão DO MELHOR <3 amei o efeito!

    o teu texto está lindo...ai ai ai, temos de falar moço, que se anda a passar?


    My Fashion Insider

  2. devo dizer que as fotos estão no minimo BRUTAISSSS!!!
    o outfit ja sabes que adoro :)

