11 November 2011

Brussels nº1

Sometimes you just can't change it...sometimes you are just not good enough...sometimes you are just a pile of dust! Sometimes I just want to be a pile of dust...perhaps I could make life better for those who walk by my side! Sometimes I just need you to take out these memories from my mind...sometimes I just need you to make me believe I'm someone that is worthy...Am I?

Hi guys! Today I give you some of the photos I took during the tour! I have to say that I haven't done the best work capturing the city...My (borrowed) camera went out of battery a few times and I was always in such a rush...catching the city became an hard task for sure! Sorry for that! I have some pictures missing although...Hope to have some good ones among the missing pictures! :) Tomorrow I'll be posting a new look (or even today...haven't decided yet)! Come and check it guys :D

- Português -

Boa gente!!! Hoje trago-vos algumas fotos da cidade enquanto vagueava pelas terras Belgas! Tenho de admitir que, desta vez, não fui um bom fotógrafo, muito menos bom a captar a beleza da cidade! Diga-se de passagem que o facto da minha máquina fotográfica (emprestada) ter ficado sem bateria umas vezes e a nossa constante pressa para visitar tudo deu que tornou a tarefa de fotografar um bocadinho difícil! Desculpem por isso... A verdade é que ainda tenho umas fotografias por receber...espero ter umas boas entre elas! :) Amanhã coloco mais um outfit (ou ainda hoje...ainda a decidir)! Vão acompanhando!

Hope you're having fun Espero que se estejam a divertir
Great kisses 

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